A⋅TE⋅B1 Ortholinear Keyboard

Written by Jan van der Laan

I recently finished my A⋅TE⋅B1 keyboard. Although I just wanted to build a working keyboard, it actually sounds and feels really nice. Below a picture of the finished board:

Picture of finished keyboard

One of the reasons to choose for an ortholinear layout was that the keyboard had to fit on my 3d printer. That limited the width to 25cm. I also decided I wanted to be able to enter some other character that I sometimes use during coding or writing. Mostly mathematical symbols. When I started with this project I kind of expected that that would be just possible: Unicode has been around since the nineties. But it is still basically ASCII. For example, to get a “ü” on a German keyboard, the keyboard just sends the key code for “[” (which happens to be at the same place on a US keyboard). The OS where you have set the keyboard to German then translates this to “ü”. It feels weird that you can’t just send over Unicode symbols. I used QMK to programme the keyboard. QMK does have an option to send over Unicode, but this makes use of OS-dependent functionality. It just send over some key combination then the Unicode hex code and then a closing key combination. Under linux this works now for me under most applications.

The keyboard was completely handsoldered.

Electronics of keyboard

Instructions and files to build the board can be found on github.


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